Director(s): Benoit FINCK – Writer(s): Benoit FINCK Contact Print page
On July 14, 1518, in the streets of Strasbourg, a woman began to dance.
Without reason, without music, without stopping. The chronicles say she danced for six days. Far from being an isolated case, this illness began to spread and soon tens, then hundreds of people began to dance in the streets of Strasbourg, a city of the Holy Germanic Empire.
What really happened 500 years ago in the Alsatian capital? How did its inhabitants react to this dance epidemic, which was later called ‘choremania’?
This is not just a surprising and anecdotal episode. In fact, the story of the dance epidemic is the starting point for an astonishing journey through history, archives, religious and social habits…to the most intimate part of the human soul. A journey which makes the spectator reflect on man's escape from his fate, and the collective manifestations of resistance to oppression.