Chechnya, eight years of war and horror, but only very few pictures. Pictures of shattered buildings in Grozny, of bodies in plastic bags in mass graves. Each week brings to light new massacres among the civilian population. These pictures are not seen outside Chechnya, but they are engraved in the mind of the children, helpless observers of the horror. They know what happens in the mountain villages. They bring these silent pictures with them to the refugee camps in Georgia where psychiatrists try to help them by making them give up their terrible secret. They draw… their lines are precise, clear, almost aesthetic. Their tears are dry, their games are silent. A silence that Adam, 10 years, explains: “I’d like to thank Europe for its indifference to this war and for taking away my childhood”. Since October 1999, 6000 Chechen refugees have arrived in the Pankissi Valley in the Republic of Georgia. 87% of the children have psycho traumatic problems. They are the victims of a dirty war, victims of a murderous craze started by adults.