In a very real sense, we are now able to touch atoms. It all began fifty years ago...Necessity, the mother of invention. Industry demanded machines to write, calculate, think and communicate... Military imperatives... Thus were born the first electronic brains, monsters of limited capacity weighing tons. Miniaturisation became imperative. Ever smaller, ever more powerful. Ever faster. Imagine a detailed map of the whole planet, engraved on a space one centimetre square. JUGGLING ATOMS escapes the visible to plunge to 0.000000001 of a metre, into the heart of atoms - into a universe where matter is measured by the nanometre, one billionth of a metre - and shows what is at stake scientifically, industrially and culturally in what promises to be the great scientific saga of the next century:
4Roberval Award Festival of Compiegne, 1998
4Festival of Palaiseau : Best Film and Audience Award, 1998
Festivals and Awards:
- Roberval Award - Festival of Compiegne (France,1999) br>- Audience grand Prize - Int. Scientific Film Festival (Nancy / France, 1999 br>- Best Film & Audience Award - Vision Sciences Festival of Palaiseau (France, 1998)