Benoit FINCK – Writer(s): Benoit FINCK
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France, in the north of the Alsace region. Right in the heart of an ocean of monoculture lies an extraordinary ark of biodiversity. A forest created over the last thirty years by Jean-Louis Amann on a rectangular patch of land of one and a half hectares, where he has planted nearly a hundred different tree species which he’s saved from destruction. As we accompany Jean-Louis for a whole year in his arboretum, we take the measure of the incredible project he so patiently developed on this land.
Throughout the seasons and changes in the landscape, we’ll be sharing the humanistic vision and the respect for nature of this engaged and passionate man. By giving life to his forest, Jean-Louis Amann wanted to fight what’s become the DNA of our society: the excessive exploitation of shared resources after centuries of exploration. Where nature needed hundreds of millions of years to build up fossil resources, it’s just taken one hundred years for man to deplete them... Jean-Louis strives to regain a certain humility…because when faced with profusion, he aspires to simplicity.