Timothée JANSSEN – Writer(s): Timothée Janssen, Alba Lombardia, Floriane Bruneau de la Salle
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Flying over the width and length of the Spanish territory, the film offers a breathtaking panorama of the great variety of its regions. We’ll discover a country with stunning coastlines and its small and large cities steeped in history. Today, they have also become the country’s economic engin: Spain, is the fifth largest economy in the European Union.
In the course of our spectacular 24 hour visit, a new face of Spain and its people is emerging before our eyes: that of a country facing strategic choices after the deep recession that shook it just ten years ago.
The film is accompanied by a 5 x 26' history series. Click here to discover "SPAIN, HISTORY SEEN FROM ABOVE".
"... this country with a variety of regions - mountainous or coastal, green or desert. A country that today finds interesting alternatives to the rampant urbanization that erodes its coastline, or to intensive agriculture that dries up its groundwater ..." (Juliette Warlop - Télérama 11 mai 2019)