Today, they are still living through rough times, but feel "the best is still to come."
While living in hidden places, the underground, in squats or at the edge of the forest... under cloudy skies or low-voltage neon lights, in places with little light, they invent a life for themselves, its codes and their own language...
Documentary filmed over several years - without blurring the protagonists’ faces - focusing on the their complex characters of potential delinquents.
Cinéma du réel (by Carine Bernasconi):
Roman and Sifredi, the twins, are the focal point of the story. They are surrounded by a number of buddies. They are outsiders, living it rough on the outskirts of cities and practically in the woods.
Today, with our need to label everything, we’d say they are “young anti socials”. But that would brush aside their beautiful personae that the film brings to the fore. The screen is filled with the presence of their muscular bodies and strong faces that also bear signs of softness. And more than their physical presence, it’s what they say - in rap or simple conversations where every word counts... Words that shape their bond to a world and a distant society to which they do not belong. And as they seek to define themselves, they insist that, even though they might never be "someone", they will always be "free". No doubt about that!
Festivals and Awards:
* 2018: among the 24 films selected for the "César 2018 of the Best Short Film" (the 5 nominees will be announced on 31 Jan. 2018)
* 2016: Grand prix – Festival europeen du film d’éducation – Évreux, France (nov. 2016)
* 2016: Prix du Regard social Unaforis, Festival "Traces de Vie", Clermont-Ferrand, France
* 2016: Grand prix, "Les écrans documentaires", Arcueil, France