Marie-Pierre JAURY – Writer(s): Marie-Pierre JAURY
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The sari is still worn, with an innate elegance by millions of Indian women including those in the workshops in Delhi who make jeans that are exported all around the globe.
And we look at the Bollywood costumes, whether they are wet and clinging are diaphanous, they are always attractive and they adhere to a precise symbolism and colour code. Another famous piece is the dhoti, the outfit worn by Mahatma Gandhi which played an important role in the independence of India…
These days, the shalwar kamiz, the original Muslim dress, is about to become more popular than the sari – a development causing ruin and even suicide within the caste of clothmakers.
And there are other interesting details: a string that comes loose during a fashion show turns into a national scandal and provokes the ire of fundamentalist Hindus. And lastly, we learn that the sari is by far the most comfortable dress to make love…