In Europe, 500 000 will die from asbestos-related illnesses within the coming 30 years – 100 000 of them in France alone. For a long time, asbestos had been the favoured material of the engineering and construction industry : cheap, convenient and fireproof. Asbestos was in use everywhere, in electrical household appliances, buildings, factories and construction sites.
Nevertheless, doctors have known for decades that asbestos was a health hazard and it became evident in the 70’s that it could cause cancer. How is it possible that workers’ health – or even that of entire populations - was treated with such contempt ? How can we accept that the use of asbestos fibre continues to flourish in many countries of the southern hemisphere ?
Is human life an acceptable price to pay for profit ? Today, like yesterday, pressure groups operate in the background. Our investigation conducted in Europe, Canada and Brazil shows those parties whose interest it is to keep the truth well hidden, to obstruct any open debate on the subject.
AVAILABLE FOR SCREENING: French version only
Festivals and Awards:
FICA (Goias, Brazil) 2005: "Grand Prix Cora Coralina" Best Documentary