Director(s): Franck GODDIO – Writer(s): Alain MOREAU, Roland SAVOYE Contact Print page
Nothing remains today of these wonders of the Antiquity but for the modern city of Alexandria. Why – unlike Rome or Athens - have these treasures vanished ? What are the reasons behind this disappearance?
Ancient scriptures and evidence found on buried monuments indicate that Alexandria might have fallen victim to earthquakes or even tidal waves. Franck Goddio and his team of divers attempt to understand what might have happened. They are backed up by reputed scientists such as Daniel Stanley, geologist specialising in the deltas of the Nile, the Amos and Nur), and Grezgorg Majcherek, archaeologist and earth quake expert. They widen their exploration to include the Bay of Aboukir, Canope and Menouthis, other Sunken Cities.
An underwater fragment discovered near Canope is encouraging evidence sending Franck Goddio and his team off to start their exploration…
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