25 years after the end of what is known as the "Dirty War" (roughly 1976 to 1983), Argentina's violent past unter Videla's military dictatorship still overshadows the lives of many...
Like that of Mariana, who believed herself to be ‘Daniela’, daughter of Miguel Furci, an agent of the Argentinean Secret Service. She is, in fact, Mariana Zaffaronni, child of a young two Uruguayans who were arrested as revolutionaries and disappeared in Argentina during the dictatorship of General Videla. Esther, her maternal grand mother eventually finds her, after sixteen years of desperate investigation in two countries. She even succeeds in bringing Furci to trial, but 17-year-old Mariana does not admit her new identity and her “bad” parents.
Festivals and Awards:
* Corail Award, Havana 1997
* 3rd Price URTI - Monte Carlo TV Festival (1998)
* 1st Documentrary Prize - Int. Films Festival Midia (Madrid / Spain, 1998)
>* Special Distinction 16th International Festival, Montevidéo 1998